Friday, 14 September 2007

Here Come The Cavalry

Here I am down here. This is the starting point for my Group Build competition entry. As can be seen they are all late medieval and will represent a group from the Wars Of The Roses. The three in the picture that includes the herald are all Mirliton and on Mirliton horses, but the lance is a Front Rank item. The one undercoated black is an Essex miniature, I have removed his lance as he will be the standard bearer. He is wearing an older type of armour from the mid century. The five without horses are a mix of Warrior and old Grenadier figures. They will most likely all be on Front Rank horses, one is shown seated on a FR HYW gee gee to show how good they fit. The black undercoated Gothic horse shown with the two Warrior figures is an Essex item, again another possibility although not a very good fit. 9 figures in all. I won't post WIP pics up on the Guild as I prefer it to be a surprise.


Rock Chef said...

Good stuff! At the weekend I had a small game using Crusader rules for ancients and medievals - good, simple fun rules, well worth a look.

James said...

How do they compare with Arcane Warfare? I guess they are aimed at different tactical levels of play.

Rock Chef said...

They are totally different - figures are in distinct units of 4-12 bases, and you complete the move (including shooting) for each unit in turn. If one of your units routs, your turn is over and it is now the enemy's turn.

Combat is by rolling 2-4 d10s for each base of figures to score hits, with each base being able to take 2-4 hits before being removed. I guess it feels more Warhammerish than anything else, but it would be fun to play.

Princess Banter said...

Sigh... can you make me one of those knight in shining armors only lifesized? Need one of those :P

Rock Chef said...

Life size knights in shining armour are usually gay. It is a well known fact. Either that or they already have a princess!

Logzie said...

Just thought I would let you know that I do regularly check this blog...I have no interest in wargaming but I check it to make sure you are still alive and doing well. :0)

I am glad you are getting some time in for your hobby!

P.S.-I wish you would just do a regular blog again...your writing was very entertaining!!

James said...

Hello Logzie,

so you have discovered my secret hideaway!!

Rock Chef said...

Maybe Logzie is stalking you?

Now I am jealous!

Logzie said...

Okay, okay John, I can stalk you too! Just give me your address...HA!

Logzie said...

James-sorry to ruin your fun! :0)

James said...

Oh no its cool you are welcome Logzie...I'll make a wargamer out of you yet...Princess Banter is half way there already!